Oregon 65+ Tuition Waiver



This rule delineates how 博天堂官方 will comply with the Oregon 65+Tuition Waiver program.



Students 65 and older are eligible for a tuition waiver in available lower division transfer courses, typically numbered as 100 or higher, if they meet the following conditions:

  1. The student is registered or on a waitlist for the course no earlier than the last day to register in-person prior to the start of the term. Students may not have been on a waitlist or have registered and subsequently dropped the course prior to this day. Any registration activity prior to this day will void the waiver for the class. This applies by course, and not by CRN (Course Registration Number).
  2. Students are expected to follow all registration procedures for adding the class if they are on a waitlist.
  3. The waiver will only apply for up to 8 credits of in-state tuition per term. Fees (technology, transportation, lab, course, student activities, etc) and differential tuition are the responsibility of the student. Students will only receive an audit (AU) grade for courses paid for with this waiver.
  4. The student must meet prerequisite and placement test requirements for the desired course. Placement test fees are the responsibility of the student and must be completed prior to registration for courses requiring placement testing.
  5. The student must complete an Oregon 65+ Tuition Waiver form in person with photo identification, that includes the individual's date of birth, by the end of the first week for full term classes, and by the add deadline for less than full term classes. These waiver forms will not be accepted after the add deadline. Students who do not submit the waiver form are responsible for full payment of tuition and fees.

The waiver does not apply to career technical courses, typically numbered below 100 or with a decimal, or program fees. The waiver may not be used for tuition or fees associated with any non-credit courses.

Linn-Benton Community College reserves the right to limit the courses for which the waiver may be applied.



Date of Adoption:

Dates of Revision:
10/2/14, 11/1/18, 10/6/22
Dates of Review:
11/1/18, 10/6/22