Alcohol Service



To establish the terms and conditions under which alcohol service will be allowed at 博天堂官方 and 博天堂官方-sponsored events.



It shall be the policy of Linn-Benton Community College that serving alcoholic beverages to individuals 21 years or older as an adjunct to food services or culinary arts is permitted. The intent is to permit service and teach the responsible use of alcohol in appropriate educational and social settings.

The service shall be carefully monitored to ensure that all external rules, including those of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, are carefully adhered to, and only those forms of service covered by the college's liability insurance are permitted.

The administrative rules that govern alcohol service will be kept current with external regulations.

If alcohol is to be served at any event, the alcohol shall be served only when accompanied by food. Other service of alcohol may be permitted at the college when the person or group serving the alcohol provides a certificate of liquor liability insurance that covers the event in question and names the college as an additional named insured with an aggregate liability limit consistent with tort cap limits as legislated by the State of Oregon (ORS 30.272).



Date of Adoption:
Dates of Revision:
6/20/90, 3/17/93, 3/12/01, 11/19/08, 1/18/17, 10/21/20
Dates of Review:
9/14/09, 1/18/17