Children on 博天堂官方 Properties



To clarify that children are welcome on Linn-Benton Community College campuses and properties in appropriate situations.



When children are present, it is the intent of the Board of Education that reasonable steps be taken to protect the learning and work environment of the college and ensure the safety of those children. To that end, the president shall implement and maintain administrative rules and procedures to assure that if children are present on 博天堂官方 owned or controlled property, they must be closely supervised by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult at all times.



Date of Adoption:
Dates of Revision:
10/17/12, 5/20/15, 4/17/19, 6/26/23
Dates of Review:
12/15/09, 10/17/12, 5/20/15, 4/17/19, 6/26/23